“A data driven Smart Factory, networked through the entire process, from start to finish.”

This is these days an “intelligent” business where the efficiencies and gains made from auotomation are balanced against the realities of running a business of real size.

At Peter Hay Kitchens Ltd, were a proud of where we have come from and most importantly where we are heading. We believe our production cell, is truly world class, using some of the most advanced automation software, all bulit in house. This software along with significant investment, allows us to operate a Batch Size One large scale production cell, that can handled the most complex requests customers can have in kitchen retailing.

If anyone knows how to handle 600 plus kitchen orders a month, it’s Peter Hay. After all, for the last 20 years, we have been the largest manufacturer in both size and capacity in New Zealand. Manufacturing that many kitchens per month requires certain machinery and a streamlined process. So, let’s have a look: –


The WINSTORE is an automated magazine for the optimised management of panels for large-scale manufacturers. It guarantees production with reduced times and costs. The WINSTORE is integrated into our ROVER B nesting and sizing cells which gives significant increases in productivity. The WINSTORE 3D K1 is equipped with an upgraded High-Speed Pack, to safely managed over 3000 sheets of board at any one time. It is a fully automatic machine able to run 24 hours a day with no interruptions.


The ROVER B FT is our new NC processing centre with a gantry structure and the FT worktable is not only for the nesting of panels, furniture components but also acrylics for our laundry cabinet offer. The line is fully automatic in all aspects from loading and machining to un-loading. At Peter Hay we don’t just have one nesting and sizing cell, we have three fully integrated nesting and sizing cells. These machines are fed by the WINSTORE 3D K1.


The EDGETEQ S-500 single-sided high-speed edge banding machines are designed to apply edge banding materials with a maximum thickness of 45 mm. The EDGETEQ S-500 is subjected to intensive work without any deviation in productivity and quality levels. Our EDGETEQ S-500 edge banding lines features ZERO JOINT technology which ensures almost totally invisible joints along the door surface. Like our ROVER B FT nesting and sizing cells, we have three EDGETEQ S-500 machines integrated into our production lines. The machines are fed by our ROVER B FT nesting and sizing cells as well as our EB70.


The EB70 panel sizing centre. Fast, accurate positioning of the panels for the best cutting precision and short set-up times means the EB70 is perfect for low volume batch panel sizing operations.


The ROVER A is an NC processing centre for the machining and boring on both horizontal and verticals axis. Thanks to its comprehensive range configurable pods, it is ideally suited to low volume batch machining and boring operations.


Working with wood requires well-thought-out safety processes. The wood chips and dust created is extracted from the machinery through an air filtration system. This system ensures the work area remains free of any harmful particles and ensures a clean work area for the safety of our team. The extracted particles are then taken away and recycled by a waste specialist.

Our roll thru stock movement platform ensures safe handling of goods and there is no unnecessary heavy lifting of units. The roll thru platform also ensures the working areas stay clear for our team. Our purpose-built loading bays provide a roll on roll off process for goods at a great working height for our logistics suppliers.

Our PREQUAL Score is 75. This was issued on the 09/02/2022. This mark is considered at the absolute top end of the achievable scale for companies of our type.

PREQUAL Certificate